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IT and ITes industry Class 9 MCQ with Answers | 20 Best Class 9 IT and ITes industry MCQ with Answers

Here are the 20 most important IT and ITes industry class 9 MCQ with Answers. Since the Class 9 IT 402 term 1 exam is completely MCQ-based. Practice these IT and ITes industry class 9 MCQ with Answers to score well in IT 402. CBSE CLASS 9 IT 402 BOOK PDF

IT and ITes industry class 9 MCQ
IT and ITes industry class 9 MCQ

Digital DocumeIT and ITes industry Class 9 MCQ with Answers

Q1. We can store _______ in our computer.

a. Appointments schedules

b. List of contacts

c. Important file

d. All of the above

Q2. Barcode on a book makes it easier for the library ______________

a. to keep track of books.

b. to check availability of a specific book

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above

Q3. LMS stands for ____________

a. Learning Mostly in School

b. Learning Management System

c. Life Management System

d. None of the above

Q4. IT is used in ____

a. Education

b. Library

c. Entertainment

d. All of the above

Q5. Computers are used in business organizations for ______

a. Budgeting and sales analysis

b. Financial forecasting

c. Maintaining stocks

d. All of the above

Q6. Business transactions happen through Internet called _________

a. E-Commerce

b. E-Business

c. E-Transaction

d. None

Q7. CAD stands for ___

a. Computer-Aided Designer

b. Calculate Aided Design

c. Computer-Aided Design

d. None of the above

Q8.Raw facts and figures are called ___

a. Information

b. processed data

c. Data

d. None of the above

Q9. ITeS is also called __________________that cover the entire operations which exploit Information Technology for improving the efficiency of an organisation.

a. web-enabled services

b. remote services

c. both of the above

d. none of the above

Q10. Information Technology that enables the business by improving the quality of service is___________

a. IT

b. ICT

c. ITeS

d. None of the above

Q11. BPO stands for ___________

a. Business Process Out

b. Busy Process Outsourcing

c. Business Process Office

d. Business Process Outsourcing

Q12. Which machine is used to record the activities of the brain?

a. ECG

b. EEG

c. MRI

d. CAT

Q13. We can transfer money from one account to another account by __



c. Both of the above

d. None of the above

Q14. Which of the following machine give the digital impression of internal organs of the body by using strong magnetic fields.

a. ECG

b. CAT

c. CAD

d. MRI

Q15. MRI stands for __

a. Magnet Result Imaging

b. Magnetic Resonance Imaging

c. Magnet Result Image

d. None of the above

Q16. MNC stands for __________

a. Multiple National Companies

b. Multinational Companies

c. Multinational Credit

d. None of the above

Q17. IT is used in the home to ____

a. Play games

b. Surf the web

c. email

d. All of the above

Q18. Information Technology (IT) means creating, managing, storing, and exchanging information.

a. True

b. False

Q19. Which of the following are benefits of IT in business?

a. IT helps in reaching more potential customers

b. IT provides better service to customers

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above

Q20. E-learning and smart-board presentations are showing integration of ICT in __

a. Library

b. Office

c. Classroom

d. None of the above

So, these were the 20 important IT and ITes industry class 9 MCQ with Answers. Practice these IT and ITes industry class 9 MCQ with Answers. And also sare these important IT and ITes industry class 9 MCQ with Answers with your friends. For more, IT and Ites industry MCQ Click Here.

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