Click here to access the best NCERT Solutions Class 3 English Santoor Unit 3 Good Food Chapter 9 Madhu’s Wish textbook exercise questions and answers.
Madhu’s Wish NCERT Class 3rd English Santoor Chapter 9 Questions and Answers
Madhu’s Wish Class 3 Question Answer
Let us think (Page 93)
A. Answer the following.
Question 1.
What did Madhu enjoy?
Madhu enjoys eating different kinds of food and snacks.
Question 2.
Do you think the old man had magical powers? How do you know?
Yes, the old man had magical powers. We know this because he granted Madhu’s wish when he said, “In return, you can wish for anything from this tree and it will be granted.”
Question 3.
Why did the tree ask Madhu to ‘think over’ his wish?
The tree asked Madhu to ‘think over’ the wish because it wanted him to consider his choice carefully before making it.
Question 4.
Name some of the things that Madhu ate.
Some of the things that Madhu ate were laddoos, colourful fruits like grapes, mangoes, apples, bananas, jackfruit, melons, guavas, oranges, and savoury snacks like matri, samosa, kachori, potato chips, and vada.
B. Think and say.
Question 1.
Have you experienced hiccups?
Yes, I have had hiccups before!
Question 2.
What do you do when you get hiccups?
When I get hiccups, I drink water slowly to make them go away.
Question 3.
Do you think water is important? Why do you think so?
Yes, water is essential. We need water to stay healthy and hydrated.
Question 4.
What would you wish for and why if you were in Madhu’s place?
If I were in Madhu’s place, I might wish for something fun, like being able to fly like a bird or having a magic pen.
Let us learn (Page 94)
A. Madhu enjoyed the following items. Write them in the correct basket.
B. Read the following sentences.
Question 1.
Madhu shared his food with the old man. He is kind.
Madhu shared his food with the old man. He is kind.
Question 2.
Madhu wanted to eat everything. He is greedy.
Madhu wanted to eat everything. He is greedy.
Question 3.
The old man gave a special gift to Madhu. He is generous.
The old man gave a special gift to Madhu. He is generous.
C. Choose a word from the box to describe the people below.
1. Pramod doesn’t share his toys with anyone. He is selfish.
2. The woman saved the boy from the robber. She is brave.
3. Advait is always lying in bed and doing nothing. She is lazy.
4. Prerna always wishes everyone in the morning. She is polite.
D. Read the following sentences.
1. Sam is watching television.
2. Pratham is watching television.
Both Sam and Pratham are doing the same activity.
The two sentences can be combined into a single sentence:
Sam and Pratham are watching television.
Now, look at the following sentences.
1. Aman has a pen.
2. Aman has a pencil.
3. Aman has an eraser.
The three sentences talk about Aman. The three sentences can be combined as one sentence using ‘and’.
The new sentence will be:
Aman has a pen, a pencil, and an eraser.
Let us take one more example:
1. Sam works in the afternoon.
2. Pratham works at night.
Both sentences talk about doing ‘work’ but by different people and at different times.
The two sentences can be combined as:
Sam works in the afternoon but Pratham works at night.
Rewrite the following sentences using ‘and’ or ‘but’.
Question 1.
I eat an apple. I eat an orange. I eat a peach. (and)
I eat an apple, an orange, and a peach.
Question 2.
I like to watch cartoons. My sister likes to watch movies. (but)
I like to watch cartoons but my sister likes to watch movies.
Question 3.
Anita plays volleyball. Anju plays volleyball. (and)
Anita and Anju play volleyball.
Question 4.
Dolma wants a new comic book. She has spent all her pocket money on sweets. (but)
Dolma wants a new comic book but she has spent all her pocket money on sweets.
Question 5.
Rajesh wants to go to the park. He has not finished his homework. (but)
Rajesh wants to go to the park but he has not finished his homework.
Let us listen (Page 97)
A. Your teacher will read parts of the story. Listen carefully and tell the class what happened after that.
1. Madhu said, “Oh tree, let me have different types of food. Nothing else.”
2. As he was eating, he suddenly got hiccups. He wanted water.
Do yourself.
Let us write (Page 98)
A. Complete the following story.
Vijaya is a young girl. She lives with her father, mother, grandmother, and grandfather in a small village. Each day Vijaya wakes up to the sound of roasters crowing. She helps her mother with chores around the house. Then she gets ready for school. At school, she learn to read, write, and do another study. In the afternoon, she helps her grandfather in the garden and plays with her friends. In the evening, she has dinner with her family and listens to her grandmother’s stories.
Fun with words (Page 99)
B. Notice that the first letter of each word has the same letter.
C. Write down similar words as shown above using your name or any name of your choice.
Let us write (Page 100)
A. Read the incomplete sentences. Discuss with your friends and complete them.
Question 1.
Madhu shared his food with the old man because _____________
Madhu shared his food with the old man because the old man was hungry.
Question 2.
Madhu was happy because ______________________________________
Madhu was happy because he could get all types of food.
Question 3.
After eating fruits, Madhu asked for savouries because
After eating fruits, Madhu asked for savouries because he got bored.
Question 4.
Madhu asked for water because _________________________________
Madhu asked for water because he got hiccups.
Let us do (Page 100)
Let us make a table mat.
An A4 sheet of paper, pictures of various fruits and vegetables, bits and pieces of coloured paper, glue, and a pencil or a sketch pen.
1. On the A4 sheet, draw fruits or vegetables of your choice like an apple, a mango, or a pear.
2. Take the sheet of red colored paper. Make small bits by tearing it.
3. Stick the bits of paper on the apple picture you made.
4. Likewise, stick the yellow paper or the colour you like in the mango picture.
5. You can cover it with any plastic sheet available in your house.
6. Your table mat is ready!
Madhu’s Wish Class 3 Summary in English and Hindi
Madhu’s Wish Class 3 Summary in English
→ It tells the story of Madhu, a boy who loves food and snacks. One day while having lunch under a Banyan tree, he shares his food with an old man who appears to be hungry. Great for Madhu’s kindness, the old man grants him a wish, allowing him to ask for anything from the tree.
→ Excited, Madhu wishes for different types of food, believing he can enjoy them forever.
→ However, the tree warns him to think carefully. Ignoring the advice, Madhu insists on his wish. He starts with laddoos, then moves on to colourful fruits and savoury snacks. But when he gets hiccups and desperately needs water, he realizes his mistake. Despite having plenty of food, there’s no water to drink.
→ Understanding the importance of water, Madhu asks the tree to replace all the food with just water. The tree grants his wish eagerly, relieved that his thirst is finally quenched.
Madhu’s Wish Class 3 Summary in Hindi
→ यह कहानी एक लड़के मधु की है। जिसको खाना और स्नैक्स पसंद थे। एक दिन दोपहर का खाना वह बरगद के पेड़ के नीचे खा रहा था तभी एक बूढ़ा आदमी जो भूखा था उसके पास आया। मधु ने उनको अपना खाना पेश किया। मधु की यह उदारता देखकर उस आदमी ने मधु को एक इच्छा शक्ति दी कि इस पेड़ से तुम जो चाहो मांग सकते हो।
→ मधु ने उस पेड़ से तरह-तरह के व्यंजनों की माँग करी यह सोचकर कि वह जिंदगी भर आराम से बैठकर खाएगा।
→ पेड़ ने उसकी सभी इच्छाएँ पूरी कर दी। वह मग्न होकर खाने लगा तभी उसको हिचकी लग गई और वह पानी ढूँढ़ने लगा। मगर उसको पानी कहीं नहीं मिला हर तरफ बस खाना ही खाना। यह देखकर उसको बहुत अफसोस हुआ।
→ पानी की महत्त्वता समझते हुए उसने पेड़ से कहा मैं अपनी इच्छा वापस लेता हूँ। तब पेड़ ने एक बड़ा-सा जग प्रकट कर दिया। प्यासे मधु ने जी-भर के पानी पीया।
Madhu’s Wish Class 3 Word Meanings
Pages 89 – 92
- Forever – permanently – सदा
- Immediately – without delay – तुरंत
- Appeared – to come into sight – प्रकट होना
- Savauries – refreshment includes cakes – स्वादिष्ट पकवान
- Hiccups – repeated sound that is made in the throat – हिचकी
- Disappear – to stop existing – गायब होना
- Instead – in the place of somebody – बजाय
- Replace – to take the place of somebody – स्थान लेना
- Thirsty – needing a drink – प्यासा
Madhu’s Wish Class 3 Hindi Translation
1. Madhu loved food. He always wanted to eat different kinds of food and snacks. He was never tired of eating. Every day, at noon, he would sit under a banyan tree and eat his lunch. One day, as he was eating, an old man came. Madhu felt sorry for him and shared his food with him. The old man was so happy that as he was leaving, he said, “My child, you have been so kind. In return, you can wish for anything from this tree and it will be granted.” Madhu felt very happy.
अनुवाद – मधु को खाना बहुत पसंद था। उसको तरह-तरह के व्यंजन खाना पसंद था। वह खाना खाने से कभी थकता नहीं था। हर रोज़ वह बरगद के पेड़ के नीचे बैठकर अपना खाना खाता था। एक दिन जब वह खाना खा रहा था, एक बूढ़ा व्यक्ति उसके पास आया। वह अपना खाना उस बूढ़े व्यक्ति के साथ शेयर करता है। बूढ़ा आदमी खुश होकर मधु से कहता है “मेरे बच्चे तुम बहुत उदार हो” इसके बदले में जो तुम चाहो इस वृक्ष से माँग सकते हो। यह वृक्ष तुम्हारी हर इच्छा पूरी करेगा।
2. He thought, I can ask for different types of food, and enjoy them forever. He sat there and closing his eyes said, “Oh tree, let me have different types of food. Nothing else.”
अनुवाद – मधु ने सोचा कि वह तरह तरह के खाने इस पेड़ से माँग सकता है। वह पेड़ से आँखें बंद करके तरह-तरह के व्यंजनों की माँग करता है।
3. He heard a voice from the tree. “You don’t want anything else? Think it over.” Without thinking, Madhu said, “ Nothing else”. First, he asked for laddops. At once, a basket full of laddoos appeared. He happily started eating it. After some time, he got bored. Then he thought of colourful fruits. Immedi-ately, fruit in baskets appeared. He started eating them. There were grapes, mangoes, apples, bananas, jackfruit, melons, guavas, oranges and many more. Then he got bored eating only fruits.
अनुवाद – पेड़ से आवाज़ आई “तुम्हें मुझसे कुछ और नहीं चाहिए दोबारा सोच लो”, बिना सोचे मधु कहता है “नहीं कुछ और नहीं” पहले वह लड्डू माँगता है तभी लड्डुओं से भरी टोकरी वहाँ प्रकट हो जाती है। वह खुशी से उनको खाता है कुछ समय बाद वह खा-खाकर बोर हो जाता है। फिर वह उस वृक्ष से रंग-बिरंगे फलों की इच्छा प्रकट करता है। तुरंत ही फल एक टोकरी में प्रकट हो जाते हैं। वह उनको खाता है। उसमें अंगूर, आम, सेब, केला, खरबूजा, अमरूद, संतरा और बहुत से फल होते हैं। फिर वह फल खाकर भी बोर हो जाता है।
4. He asked for savouries. Immediately savouries like matri, samosas, kachori, potato chips and vada appeared in huge baskets. He happily started eating them. As he was eating, he suddenly got hiccups. He wanted water. He looked around. There was food everywhere but no water!
अनुवाद – फिर वह उस पेड़ से स्वादिष्ट पकवान की इच्छा प्रकट करता है। फिर जल्द ही उसके सामने मठरी, समोसा कचौरी, चिप्स, वड़ा की टोकरी प्रकट हो गई। वह खुशी-खुशी उसको खाना शुरू कर देता है। जैसे ही वो खाना शुरू करता है उसको हिचकियाँ शुरू हो जाती हैं उसको तब पानी की जरूरत पड़ती है, वह आस-पास देखता है। हर तरफ बस खाना होता है पानी नहीं।
5. He asked for water but the tree said, “You wanted only food not water.” “So what if I don’t get water I will have sharbat, kheer and badam milk for my thirst,” thought Madhu. Soon, all these appeared in jugs. Madhu drank them all but the hiccups did not stop. They became louder. He was now desperate for water.
अनुवाद – वह पेड़ से अपनी इच्छा प्रकट करता है मुझे पानी चाहिए परंतु पेड़ कहता है तुमने तो सिर्फ खाना माँगा था। उसने कहा तो क्या हुआ अगर पानी नहीं है, मैं शरबत, खीर और बादाम दूध से अपनी प्यास बुझा लूँगा। जल्द ही सब उसके सामने प्रकट हो गया। मधु ने वह सब भी लिया परंतु उसकी हिचकियाँ बंद नहीं हुई वह और ज्यादा तेज़ हो गई। अब उसको पानी की प्यास ज्यादा लगने लगी।
6. He prayed to the tree, “May all this food disappear, and let me have water instead.”
“Are you sure?” the voice from the tree asked.
“Yes, I am sure. Now I know the importance of water. No other drink can replace water. Please give me just water.”
A jug of water appeared. Thirsty, Madhu drank as though he had never seen water. His hiccups stopped. He was no longer thirsty.
अनुवाद – उसने वृक्ष से प्रार्थना की “काश ये सारा खाना कहीं गायब हो जाए और मुझे पानी मिल जाए”।
क्या तुम निश्चित करते हो तुम्हें पानी की जरूरत है खाने की नहीं।
हाँ! मुझे निश्चित ही पानी की जरूरत है अब मुझे उसकी महत्त्वता का पता चला। कोई भी पेय पानी की प्यास नहीं बुझा सकता।
तुरंत ही पानी से भरा जग उसके सामने प्रकट हो गया। प्यासा मधु सारा पानी पी जाता है जैसे कभी पानी ही नहीं मिला हो। उसकी हिचकियाँ रुक गईं।