Click here to access the best NCERT Solutions Class 3 English Santoor Unit 1 Fun with Friends Chapter 3 Best Friends textbook exercise questions and answers.
Best Friends NCERT Class 3rd English Santoor Chapter 3 Questions and Answers
Best Friends Class 3 Question Answer
Let Us Think (Page 29)
Answer the following.
Question 1.
Who were the four friends?
Circle, triangle, rectangle, and square were four friends.
Question 2.
Why were they fighting?
They were fighting because of their shapes.
Question 3.
Who helped them to end their fight?
The star helped them to end their fight.
Question 4.
What lesson did the friends learn in the end?
They learn if they join together they can create wonderful shapes.
Question 5.
Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false.
(a) The circle does not have sharp edges. ________
(b) A square has four sides but not all of them are equal in size. ________
(c) The triangle has two sides. ________
(d) The friends could decide who was the best among them. ________
(a) T
(b) F
(c) F
(d) T
Question 6.
Who is your friend? What are the things you can do when your friend helps you?
My friend is Adhyata.
- I will help in her studies.
- I will help her when she needs me.
Note: Children can discuss this with the teacher in the class also.
Question 7.
Look around you. Talk about the shapes of what you see.
Children will discuss this question in class.
Let Us Learn (Page 30)
Read the following lines.
A pigeon and an ant became friends.
Notice that we used ‘a’ before pigeon and ‘an’ before ‘ant’.
We use ‘a’ before singular nouns that begin with consonants. ‘An’ is used before singular nouns that begin with vowel sounds (a, e, i, o, u). Using this information, fill up the following blanks.
A. Fill in the blanks using ‘a’.
Question 1.
________ dog is barking at the postman.
A dog is barking at the postman.
Question 2.
My mother gives chapattis to ________ cow every day.
My mother gives chapattis to a cow every day.
Question 3.
In summer, ________ sparrow builds its nest on the mango tree near our house.
In summer, a sparrow builds its nest on the mango tree near our house.
B. Fill in the blanks using ‘an’.
Question 1.
I saw ________ eagle yesterday.
I saw an eagle yesterday.
Question 2.
Maya bought ________ umbrella for the monsoon.
Maya bought an umbrella for the monsoon.
Question 3.
_________ cream man brings his cart in the evenings.
An ice cream man brings his cart in the evenings.
C. Fill in the blanks using ‘a’ or ‘an’.
Question 1.
________ brown hen laid ________ egg.
A brown hen laid an egg.
Question 2.
________ eagle sat on ________ building.
An eagle sat on a building.
Question 3.
Mary ate ________ apricot, ________ chikoo, and ________ orange.
Mary ate an apricot, a chikoo, and an orange.
Let us Write (Page 31)
A. Paste a picture of your friend.
Do yourself.
B. Write a few lines about your friend by filling in the blanks.
My Friend
1. My friend’s name is ________
2. He/She is a boy/girl.
3. He/She is ________ years old.
4. His/Her favourite colour is ________
5. He/She likes to play ________
6. He/She wants to become ________
I love my friend.
1. My friend’s name is Kritika.
2. He/She is a girl.
3. He/She is 11 years old.
4. His/Her favourite colour is black.
5. He/She likes to play Basketball.
6. He/She wants to become a teacher.
I love my friend.
Let us do (Page 32)
A. Use the space given below to draw the four friends you met in Chapter 3.
Let us Explore (Page 33)
A. Draw pictures using the four friends mentioned in Chapter 3. You can use the pictures given below for ideas.
Do it yourself.
Fun with Words
What do You do?
1. Who are you?
And what do you do?
We are birds.
We chirp and sing.
अनुवाद – आप कौन हैं?
और आप करते क्या हैं?
हम पक्षी हैं।
हम चहचहाते हैं और गाते हैं।
2. Who are you?
And what do you do?
We are monkeys.
We jump and swing.
अनुवाद – आप कौन हैं?
और आप करते क्या हैं?
हम बंदर हैं।
हम कूदते और उछलते हैं।
3. Who are you?
And what do you do?
We are dogs.
We run and bark.
अनुवाद – आप कौन हैं?
और आप करते क्या हैं?
हम कुत्ते हैं।
हम भागते और भौंकते हैं।
4. Who are you?
And what do you do?
We are cats.
We mew in the dark.
अनुवाद – आप कौन हैं?
और आप करते क्या हैं?
हम बिल्लियाँ हैं।
हम अँधेरे में म्याँऊ-म्याँऊ करते हैं।
5. Who are you?
And what do you do?
We are elephants.
We raise our trunks.
अनुवाद – आप कौन हैं?
और आप करते क्या हैं?
हम हाथी हैं।
हम अपनी सूण्ड उठाते हैं।
6. Who are you?
And what do you do?
We are lions.
We roar and hunt.
अनुवाद – आप कौन हैं?
और आप करते क्या हैं?
हम शेर हैं।
हम गरजते और शिकार करते हैं।
Best Friends Class 3 Summary in English and Hindi
Best Friends Class 3 Summary in English
There was a day when four friends circle, square, triangle, and rectangle started to fight with each other about who was the best. Every shape was telling its importance but not able to decide who was the best among them. Then they decided to ask the first person they met “Who is the best?” Then they met a star and asked him. The star looked at them and said. All of you are friends. Then why should you fight? All you can make beautiful pictures and patterns together. The friends realized their mistake and promised not to fight with each other again.
Best Friends Class 3 Summary in Hindi
एक समय की बात है चार दोस्त सर्कल, स्क्वायर, ट्राएंगल और रेक्टेंगल में अपने-अपने आकार को लेकर झगड़ रहे थे कि कौन सबसे बेहतर है? हर आकार अपनी महत्त्वता बता रहा था लेकिन कोई यह नहीं तय कर पा रहा था कि कौन सबसे बेहतरीन है? उन्होंने सोचा जो भी पहला व्यक्ति मिलेगा, उससे पूछेंगे। फिर वह एक तारे से मिले और पूछा “हम सबमें कौन बेहतर है।” तारे ने कहा तुम सब अच्छे दोस्त हो तुम सब मिलकर एक अच्छा आकार बना सकते हो। वे सब अपनी-अपनी गलती मानने लगे और वादा किया कि अब से नहीं लड़ेंगे और साथ में मिलकर रहेंगे।
Best Friends Class 3 Word Meanings
Pages 25 – 28
- Fight – to use physical strength against somebody – लड़ाई झगड़ा
- Between – in the space of two things – बीच में
- Beautiful – attraction – सुंदर
- Sharp – strong edge that can cut – तीखा
- Edges – the place where something, especially a surface, ends – किनारे
- Smiling – to make a smile appear on your face – मुस्कुराते हुए
- Shape – something that has a particular form – आकार
- Listening – to pay attention to somebody – सुनना
- Mountains – a very high hill – पहाड़
- Snacks – food that you eat quickly between main meals – नाश्ता
- Wise – having a knowledge – ज्ञानपूर्ण
- Amazing – very surprising – अद्भुत
- Pattern – develops – नमूना
Best Friends Class 3 Hindi Translation
1. There were four friends – Circle, Square, Triangle, and Rectangle. One day there began a fight between the friends. Each of them said they were the best.
अनुवाद – एक बार चार दोस्त थे सर्कल, स्क्वायर, ट्राएंगल और रेक्टेंगल। एक दिन उन चारों में लड़ाई हो गई। हर एक आकार कहने लगा मैं सबसे अच्छा हूँ।
2. Circle said, “I am the best! I am round and beautiful. I have no sharp edges. Children use me to draw a smiling face. There are so many beautiful things in my shape. I am the best!”
अनुवाद – सर्कल कहने लगा “मैं सबसे सर्वश्रेष्ठ हूँ”। मैं गोल और सुंदर हूँ। मेरा कोई भी तीखा किनारा नहीं होता। बच्चे मुझसे गोल हँसता हुआ चेहरा बनाते हैं और बहुत सारी सुंदर चीजे बनाते हैं।
3. The other shapes refused to agree with the circle. Square then said, “I am the best! I have four sides and all of them are equal in size. Children eat many sweets which are square in shape. I look very beautiful and so I am the best.”
अनुवाद – बाकी सभी आकारों ने अस्वीकार किया सर्कल की बातों को और स्क्वायर ने कहा “मैं सर्वश्रेष्ठ हूँ” मेरी चार कोने हैं और सभी बराबर हैं। बच्चे मेरे आकार की मिठाईयाँ खाते हैं। मैं सबसे सुंदर हूँ, “मैं सर्वश्रेष्ठ हूँ”।
4. After listening to this, Triangle said in a loud voice, “I am the best! Just look at me! I am so beautiful. I have three sides. Children use me to draw mountains. They enjoy many yummy snacks in my shape. So, I am the best!”
अनुवाद – ये सुनने के बाद “ट्राएंगल जोर से बोला, मैं सर्वश्रेष्ठ हूँ। मुझे देखो। मैं सुंदर हूँ। मेरे तीन कोने हैं। बच्चे मेरे आकार से सुंदर पहाड़ बनाते हैं वह मेरे आकार की आईसक्रीम खाते हैं इसलिए, मैं सर्वश्रेष्ठ हूँ”।
5. Listening to the other three friends, Rectangle laughed aloud. “Of course not. No one can be better than me. I have four sides. Two are equally long and two are equally short. I look so beautiful. Children enjoy biscuits and chocolates in rectangle shape. They also use so many things in my shape. I am the best!” said the rectangle.
अनुवाद – अपने बाकी तीनों दोस्तों को सुन रहा रेक्टेंगल हँसा “कोई भी मेरी बराबरी नहीं कर सकता” मेरे चार कोने हैं जिसमें से दो लंबे और दो छोटे हैं। मैं बहुत सुंदर हूँ बच्चों को मेरे आकार के बिस्कुट और चॉकलेट बहुत पसंद हैं। मैं ही सर्वश्रेष्ठ हूँ।
6. The friends could not decide who was the best among them. They decided to ask the first person they meet. After some time, they met a star. They stopped her and told her of their fight. They asked her to decide who was the best among them.
अनुवाद – वह चारों दोस्त आपस में समझ नहीं पा रहे थे कि कौन सर्वश्रेष्ठ है उन्होंने फैसला किया कि जो भी व्यक्ति पहले मिलेगा उससे पूछेंगे। कुछ समय बाद उनको एक तारा मिला। उस तारे को रोककर उन्होंने उसको अपनी लड़ाई के बारे में बताया। उन्होंने तारे से पूछा कि तुम फैसला करो हम में सबसे सर्वश्रेष्ठ कौन है?
7. The star was wise. She looked at all of them. She thought for a while. Then she said, “All of you are friends. Then why should you fight? Let me tell you something very important. Do you know what you could do if you were together? You could create the most beautiful pictures and patterns! Just look around. We find amazing designs and things in all the shapes. So, stop fighting. Together we all can create wonders.”
अनुवाद – तारा बुद्धिमान था। उसने उन सबकी ओर देखा और सोचकर कहा “तुम सभी दोस्त हो! तो लड़ते क्यों हो? मैं तुम्हें एक जरूरी बात बताता हूँ, तुम सब जानते हो- तुम सब मिलकर एक खूबसूरत चित्र व प्रतिरूप बना सकते हो। अपने आस – पास देखो कितने सुंदर चित्र हैं! तो लड़ाई बंद करो और साथ में रहो।”
8. The friends realised their mistake and promised each other that they would never fight again. They remained best friends forever.
अनुवाद – उन सभी दोस्तों ने अपनी गलती स्वीकारी और वादा किया कि अब से नहीं लड़ेंगे। वो सभी पक्के दोस्त बन गए।