
Bifacial Solar Panel 2024: What is Bifacial Solar Panel? Know advantages, disadvantages, price

Bifacial Solar Panel: People use many types of solar panels to generate electricity through solar energy. Bifacial from these solar panels solar panel It is also a panel through which electricity is generated without polluting the environment. This solar panel Contains solar cells that absorb sunlight on the front and back of the panel. These panels are capable of generating more power than traditional monofacial panels. However, this type of solar panel is not a good option for rooftop solar but is considered a good option for ground installed systems.

In such a situation, many of us have Bifacial Solar Panel Related questions may have arisen. So let us tell you through this article what are bifacial solar panels? We are providing detailed information related to working of bifacial solar panel, advantages of bifacial solar panel, disadvantages of bifacial solar panel, so you guys read this article till the end.

What are bifacial solar panels? What is Bifacial Solar Panel?

Bifacial solar panels have two-sided solar cells that capture and convert solar energy from both the top and bottom. These panels have been around since the 1970s when they were originally used in the Soviet space program, but were too expensive to mass-produce. Bifacial panels are typically much smaller than monofacial panels and frameless. Protective glass covers the top of each panel, while the back is either glass or a clear back sheet.

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Working of Bifacial Solar Panel

Bifacial panels are the most efficient type compared to other solar panels. Now let us tell you about the work to make things easier.

  • bifacial solar panels The front part collects direct sunlight.
  • bifacial solar panel The back part of the sun collects sunlight that hits the ground and reflects.
  • Together, the two sides reflect more sunlight than a monofacial panel.
  • trapped photons DC power is converted into

Looking at its functioning, it may appear that bifacial PV panels give double the output compared to monofacial panels. but it’s not like that. The output generated by bifacial panels is 4-5% higher than other one-sided (conventional) panels.

The real importance of bifacial panels comes into play when solar trackers are installed. But in industrial and commercial setups, bifacial solar panels are more beneficial than other types of solar panels.

Bifacial Solar Panel Full Specifications

  • Their efficiency is much higher than other solar panels like polycrystalline and monocrystalline solar panels. Due to which electricity is produced in large quantities.
  • These require less space to install than other solar panels.
  • Among the types of solar panels, the durability of bifacial solar panels is higher but it also depends on the manufacturing company.
  • Bifacial solar panel is capable of producing electricity from both sides. The number of solar cells in it is also high.
  • Their design is made in such a way that it also enhances the beauty of the place where you install it.
  • If the background of the place where it is installed is suitable, then it can produce 440 watts to 530 watts of electricity.
  • Solar panels are environment friendly and by using them, the amount of green house gases can be reduced.

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Bifacial Solar Panel Advantages

Bifacial solar panels have the following advantages:-

  • As the name suggests, these panels are bifacial, generating energy on both surfaces. This is quite beneficial for your home or business as you will generate more energy in the same space compared to monofacial panels.
  • Bifacial solar panels generate more power than other traditional solar panels because their entire surface works to produce power for your convenience.
  • Bifacial solar panels are an excellent alternative if you don’t have a plan to install panels on your roof. You can install it on the ground and get the power output as per your desire.
  • Double-sided solar panels, with glass surfaces on both sides, are stronger than traditional solar panels with glass on only one side. They are less likely to be damaged by bad weather.

Bifacial Solar Panel Disadvantages

  • One disadvantage of bifacial solar panels is their price. They are more expensive than other regular one-sided panels, although one good reason is that they require more material to manufacture.
  • Bifacial solar panels are unsuitable for use in areas with a lot of shade or with buildings blocking sunlight. They are also not suitable for installation on dark-colored, non-reflective surfaces such as dirt or grass.
  • Bifacial solar panel installation sometimes requires more time and effort than single-sided panel installation.
  • Bifacial panels with two-sided glass surfaces are heavier than traditional solar panels. Their weight makes them difficult to move or adjust.

Also read: What is solar panel (PV module), know its cost, about the subsidy scheme available from the government.

Bifacial Solar Panel Price

The price of bifacial solar panels depends on the manufacturing company. The price of this solar panel may vary from company to company. Currently, the price of bifacial solar panel is Rs 29-30 per watt. The average price of bifacial solar panel of different companies is given in the table below. Has gone. This may increase or decrease over time:

brand model Price (in rupees)
Loom SHARK Bifacial solar panel 144 cells (9 bus bar) 20,000-40,000
Loom SHARK Bifacial solar panel 144 cells (16 bus bar) 20,000-40,000
Nexus Solar Energy Nexus Bi-Facial Solar Panel 190 30,000-40,000
Adani Bifacial Solar Panel 29,000-30,000

Bifacial Solar Panel Price in India

Bifacial solar panel price in India starts from Rs 21,750. The lowest price for Bifacial Solar Panel is ₹ 21,750 on Loom Solar on Thursday, March 7, 2024.

Bifacial Solar Panel Installation Process

Bifacial solar panels can be installed using the same methods as traditional solar panels, but must be installed with some additional considerations due to their two-sided design. Here are some common installation methods for bifacial solar panels:

Ground-Mounted: Bifacial solar panels can be mounted on the ground using racking systems that hold the panels at a certain angle and height from the ground. The racking system should be designed so that light reflects from the bottom surface of the panel and reaches the back of the panel. The panels can be mounted or installed in a tracking system that follows the sun’s path to maximize energy production.

Roof: Bifacial solar panels can also be installed on roofs using ballasted or anchored racking systems. The orientation and angle of the panels should be optimized to receive the maximum amount of sunlight and allow light to reflect off the roof surface and reach the back side of the panels.

Floating: Bifacial solar panels can also be installed on water bodies such as lakes or reservoirs using floating racking systems. This allows the panels to capture sunlight from both sides and reflect it off the water surface, increasing their energy output.

Also Read: Know the Size and Weight of Solar Panel Dimensions

Bifacial Solar Panel Manufacturers

There are many companies manufacturing solar panels in India, only a few of them manufacture bifacial solar panels:

  • Saatvik Solar Pvt. Ltd.
  • Adani Solar
  • Loom Solar
  • Vaaree Solar
  • Nexus
  • Emmvee Photovoltaic
  • Renewsys
  • Vikram Solar
  • Pixon Energy


I hope that you people would have liked the article written by us, in such a situation, if you have any question or suggestion related to our article, then you can come to our comment box and ask your questions, we will definitely answer your questions.


Q.Are bifacial solar panels more expensive than conventional solar panels?

Ans.Bifacial solar panels are generally more expensive than conventional solar panels, but their increased efficiency and energy yield can offset the higher initial cost over time.

Q.Can bifacial solar panels be used in residential applications?

Ans.Yes, they can be used in residential applications, but they may not be practical for all homes. Bifacial solar panels are best suited for homes with large roofs or ample open space for a ground-mounted system. Additionally, they may not be the best choice for homes with shading problems or limited sun exposure.

Q.Can bifacial solar panels be used in all seasons?

Ans.Yes, bifacial solar panels can be used in a variety of climates including hot and cold environments. However, their energy output may be reduced in areas with frequent cloud cover or shading.

Q. What is the lifespan of bifacial solar panels?

Ans. Bifacial solar panels have a longer lifespan than conventional solar panels, with lifespans ranging from 30 years and up to 50 years. However, actual lifespan may vary depending on factors such as weather conditions, maintenance and usage.

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