Class 12 CS Find output of Python Code Important Questions
Class 12 CS Find output of Python Code Important Questions
Q1. What will be the output of the following code snippet?
a, b, a = a+c, b-c, b+c
print(a, b, c)
Ans. 15 25 -5
Q2. What is the result of the following code in python?
Ans. meomputer
Q3. What possible outputs(s) will be obtained when the following code is executed?
import random VALUES = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80] BEGIN = random.randint(1,3) LAST = random.randint(BEGIN, 4) for x in range(BEGIN, LAST+1): print(VALUES[x], end = "-")
a) 30-40-50-
b) 10-20-30-40-
c) 30-40-50-60-
d) 30-40-50-60-70-
Ans. a) 30-40-50-
Q4. Predict the output of the following code:
def ChangeLists(M , N): M[0] = 25 N = [2, 3] L1 = [-11, -21] L2 = [14, 23] ChangeLists(L1, L2) print(L1[0],"#", L2[0])
Ans. 25#14
Q5. Write the output of the following code:
L1=[10, 90, 30, 40, 50] START=1 S=0 for C in range (START, 4): S=S+L1[C] print(C,":") S=S+L1[0]*10 print(S) Write the output of : print(st.count(‘PLI’, 2,12))
Q6. Given is a Python string declaration:
Write the output of : print(str.count(‘E’, 2, 12))
Ans. 2
Q7. Write the output of the code given below:
D = {‘A’ : ’AJAY’ , ‘GRADE’ : ’A’}
print(list(D.values( )))
Ans. [‘AJAY’, ‘A’]
Q8. Write the output of the code given below:
x = 25 def modify(s, c=2): global x for a in s: if a in 'QWEiop': x //= 5 print(a.upper(),'@',c*x) else: x += 5 print(a.lower(),'#',c+x) string = 'We' modify(string,10) print(x, '$', string)
Q9. What will be the output of the following statement:
Ans. -2
Q10. What will be the output of the following code:
for i in "SIMPLE": print(i.lower(), end="#")
Ans. s#i#m#p#l#e#
Q11. What will be the output of the following code:
x=90 def funl(): x = 100 def fun2(): x = 200 print ("x in fun2()",x) print ("Before calling fun2(): " + str(x)) fun2() print ("After calling fun2: " + str(x)) funl() print ("x in main: " + str(x))
Q12. What will be the output of the following code:
def Diff(N1, N2): if N1>N2: return N1-N2 else: return N2-N1 NUM=[20, 33, 4, 44, 52] for CNT in range (4,0,-1): A=NUM [CNT] B=NUM [CNT-1] print (Diff(A, B), '#', end='')
Ans. 8 #40 #29 #13 #
Q13. Write the output of the following:
d1={1 : 2, 3 : 4, 5 : 6} d2=d1.popitem() print(d2)
Ans. (5, 6)
Q14. Write the output of the following code
a="Year2022atallthe best" a=a.split('a') b=a[0]+"-"+a[1]+"-"+a[3] print (b)
Ans. Ye-r2022-llthe best
Q15. Write the output of the following code
D1={"sname":"Aman","age":26} D1['age']=27 D1['address']="Delhi" print(D1.items())
Ans. dict_items([(‘sname’, ‘Aman’), (‘age’, 27), (‘address’, ‘Delhi’)])
Q16. Write the output of the following code
value = 50 def display(N): global value value = 25 if N%7==0: value=value+N else: value=value-N print(value, end="#") display(20) print(value)
Ans. 50#5
Q17. Write the output of the following code
def Display(str): m="" for i in range(0,len(str)): if(str[i].isupper()): m=m+str[i].lower() elif str[i].islower(): m=m+str[i].upper() else: if i%2==0: m=m+str[i-1] else: m=m+"#" print(m) Display('Fun@World2.0')
Ans. fUN#wORLD#2#
Q18. What will be the output of the following python dictionary operation?
data = {'A':2000, 'B':2500, 'C':3000, 'A':4000}
Ans. {‘A’: 4000, ‘B’: 2500, ‘C’: 3000}
Q19. Write the output of the following code:
dic1={'r' : 'rose', 'g' : 'girl', 'b' : 'bill'} for i in dic1: print (i,end='')
Ans. rgb
Q20. Write the correct output of the following code:
for i in "SIMPLE": print({i.lower()}, end= "#")
Ans. {‘s’}#{‘i’}#{‘m’}#{‘p’}#{‘l’}#{‘e’}#
Q21. Write the output of the following code:
def Swap (a,b ) : if a>b: print("changed ",end="") return b,a else: print("unchanged ",end="") return a,b data=[11,22,16,50,30] for i in range (4,0,-1): print(Swap(data[i],data[i-1]))
Q22. Write the output of the following code:
value = 50 def display(N): global value value = 25 if N%7==0: value = value + N else: value = value - N print(value, end="#") display(20) print(value)
Ans. 50#5
Q23. Write the output of the following code:
a=20 def call(): global a b=20 a=a+b return a print(a) call() print(a)
Ans. 40
Q24. Write the output of the following code:
Ans. 2
Q25. Write the output of the following code:
Ans. 22EB@e
Q26. Write the output of the following code:
L=[12,23,18,9,17] for i in range(len(L)): if(L[i]%3==0): L[i]=0 else: L[i]=1 print(L)
Ans. [0, 1, 0, 0, 1]
Q27. Write the output of the following code
string="aabbcc" count=3 while True: if string[0]=='a': string=string[2:] elif string[-1]=='b': string=string[:2] else: count+=1 break print(string) print(count)
Q28. Write the output of the following code
def Compare(N1,N2=10): return N1 > N2 NUM= [10,23,14,54,32] for V in range (4,0,-1): A=NUM[V] B=NUM[V-1] if V > len(NUM)//2: print(Compare(A,B),'?', end=' ') else: print(Compare(B),'#',end=' ')
Ans. False ? True ? True # False #
Q29. Write the output of the following code
a={} a[1] = 1 a['2'] = 2 c = 0 for i in a: c = c+a[i] print(c)
Ans. 3
Q30. Write the output of the following code
M1="FATHERS" M2="AGNELS" M3="" for i in range (0, len (M2)): if M1[i]>="A" and M1[i]<="M": M3 = M3+M1[i] elif M1 [i]>="N" and M1 [i]<="Z": M3=M3+M2[i] else: M3=M3+"*" print (M3)
Q31. Write the output of the following code
a = "Wow! Python! is! amazing!"
a = a.split('!')
b = a[0] + "?" + a[1] + "?" + a[2]
print (b)
Ans. Wow? Python? is
Q32. Write the output of the following code
Ans. meie2meie2meie2
Q33. Write the output of the following code
a=a + tuple(‘Python’)
Q34. Write the output of the following code
a=5 def add(b=2): global a a=a+b print(a,'#',b) return a b=add(a) print(a,'#',b) b=add(b) print(a,'#',b)
Q35. Write the output of the following code
a="Hello@123" n =len(a) b="" for i in range(0, n): if a[i] >= 'a' and a[i] <= 'k': b = b + a[i].upper() elif (a[i] >= 'l' and a[i] <= 'z'): b = b + a[i-1] elif a[i].isupper(): b = b + a[i].lower() else: b = b + '#' print(b)
Ans. hEell####
Q36. Write the output of the following code
L=[12, 24, 36, 48, 60] for i in range(1,5): L[i-1]=L[i] for i in range(0,5): print(L[i],end='$')
Ans. 24$36$48$60$60$
Q37. Write the output of the following code
print(elements[3 : 5])
print(elements[: : -1])
Q38. Write the output of the following code
def calc(p,q=3): ans=1 for x in range(q): ans=ans*p return ans power=calc(3) print(power,'Anil') power=calc(3,2) print(power,'Aman')
Q39. Write the output of the following code
def calculate(str): text=" " x=range(len(str)-1) for i in x: if str[i].isupper(): text+=str[i].lower() elif str[i].islower(): text+=str[i+1] else: text+='@' return text start="PROGRAM finished" final=calculate(start) print(final)
Ans. program@inished
Q40. Write the output of the following code
s = "Question paper 2024-25" s= s.split('2') print(s)
Ans. [‘Question paper ‘, ‘0’, ‘4-‘, ‘5’]
Q41. Write the output of the following code
D={1 : "one", 2 : "two", 3 : "three"} L=[ ] for k,v in D.items(): if 'o' in v: L.append(k) print(L)
Ans. [1, 2]
Q42. Write the output of the following code
D={‘month’ : ’DECEMBER’, ’exam’ : ’PREBOARD1’} D[‘month’]=’JANUARY’ D[‘EXAM’]=’PRE2’ print(D.items())
Ans. dict_items([(‘month’, ‘JANUARY’), (‘exam’, ‘PREBOARD1’), (‘EXAM’, ‘PRE2’)])
Q43. Write the output of the following code
L=[4,6,7,1,6,9,4] def fun(L): for i in range(len(L)): if(L[i]%3==0 and L[i]%2==0): L[i]=L[i]+1 return(L) k=fun(L) print(k)
Ans. [4, 7, 7, 1, 7, 9, 4]
Q44. Write the output of the following code
T = (9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54) L=list(T) L1 = [ ] for i in L: if i%6==0: L1.append(i) T1 = tuple(L1) print(T1)
Ans. (18, 36, 54)
Q45. Write the output of the following code
string="aabbcc" count=3 while True: if string[0]=='a': string=string[2:] elif string[-1]=='b': string=string[:2] else: count+=1 break print(string) print(count)
Q46. Write the output of the following code
fruit_list1 = ['Apple', 'Berry', 'Cherry', 'Papaya'] fruit_list2 = fruit_list1 fruit_list3 = fruit_list1[:] fruit_list2[0] = 'Guava' fruit_list3[1] = 'Kiwi' sum = 0 for ls in (fruit_list1, fruit_list2, fruit_list3): if ls[0] == 'Guava': sum += 1 if ls[1] == 'Kiwi': sum += 20 print (sum)
Ans. 22
Q47. Write the output of the following code
my_dict = { } my_dict[(1,2,4)] = 8 my_dict[(4,2,1)] = 10 my_dict[(1,2)] = 12 sum = 0 for k in my_dict: sum += my_dict[k] print (sum) print(my_dict)
Q48. Write the output of the following code
txt = "fun with python" print(txt.find("th",7,14))
Ans. 11
Q49. Write the output of the following code
text="ABCD" number="1357" i = 0 s="" while i < len(text): s = s + text[i] + number[len(number)-i-1] i = i + 1 print(s)
Ans. A7B5C3D1
Q50. Write the output of the following code
def Diff(N1,N2): if N1>N2: return N1-N2 else: return N2-N1 num=[10,23,14,54,32] for cnt in range(4,0,-1): a=num[cnt] b=num[cnt-1] print(Diff(a,b),'#',end='&')
Ans. 13 #&
Q51. Write the output of the following code
List1 = list("Examination") List2 =List1[1:-1] new_list = [] for i in List2: j=List2.index(i) if j%2==0: List1.remove(i) print(List1)
Ans. [‘E’, ‘a’, ‘i’, ‘a’, ‘i’, ‘n’]
Q52. Write the output of the following code.
Text="CsipLearninghub@123" L= "" for i in range(len(Text)): if Text[i].isupper(): L=L+Text[i].lower() elif Text[i].islower(): L=L+Text[i].upper() elif Text[i].isdigit(): L=L+(Text[i]*2) else: L=L+'#' print(L)
Q53. Write the output of the following code
d1 = {"john":40, "peter":45} d2 = {"john":466, "peter":45} d1 > d2
Ans. Error
Q54. Write the output of the following code
a = "amanamanaman" a = a.partition("a") print(a)
MCQ of Computer Science Chapter Wise
1. Functions in Python
2. Flow of Control (Loop and Conditional statement)
3. 140+ MCQ on Introduction to Python
4. 120 MCQ on String in Python
5. 100+ MCQ on List in Python
6. 50+ MCQ on Tuple in Python
7. 100+ MCQ on Flow of Control in Python
8. 60+ MCQ on Dictionary in Python
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Important MCQ of Series
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